Thursday, June 12, 2014

Beatrice's first easter, part 2

So I cant decide if I should continue to write this blog as a narrative or change it to more of a letter writing style (like 'dear Bea, today I changed your diaper'...etc). I guess it will just evolve on its own.

So I am quite late with this post. Mostly because we have been working on Beatrice's sleep. That's the thing about babies, their sleep patters impact everything. But some improvements have been made and lately I feel as though I have re-joined the land of the living.  Its amazing how much better you feel when you are sleeping longer than 2 hour stretches. Its a gloomy and overcast spring/summer day today. I love these days. Everything looks green and slightly tropical and the birds are chirping and later, a thunderstorm may happen.

Back to Easter.

After our Easter dinner we walked over to Dairy Queen with the kids and left Bea to hang out with her grandma L. I love taking pictures of my niece and nephews, they are just so much fun and their uninhibited personalities make for the best photographs. Adults would be so much better if we let loose more often, like kids do.

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how cute is he?!
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Tristan is so inquisitive, hes watching the coin dropper and you just know hes trying to figure it out. 
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multitasking Would you believe there's a part 3? No wonder I'm so behind!

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